Certified Yoga Professionals

Name Certification No. Name of certifications
Srishti Rajotia P020070025 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Pavitra Soni P010070026 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Jitendra Kasnniya P000070027 Yoga Volunteer
Deepak Deepak P000070028 Yoga Volunteer
Pradeep Routray P000070029 Yoga Volunteer
Sarika Khare P000070030 Yoga Volunteer
NARESH SINGH NEGI P000070031 Yoga Volunteer
Shruti Khandu P020070032 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Irina Sharabudin Tashmet P010070033 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Nigina Umarjanovna Yuldashova P010070034 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Lola Alisherovna Shaumarova P010070035 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Aziza Usmanovna Saydaminova P010070036 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Olivier Gnan P010070037 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Omer Valery Zuko Dzate P010070038 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Marcel Njike Nkoum P010070039 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Guy Roland Esseba Massia P010070040 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Fanomezantsoa Herya Antsanirina P010070041 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Christ Kermeliss Mouckayoulou P010070042 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Mariia Vitelmanova P010070043 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Tatiana Voshchanskaia P010070044 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Viktoriya Bazil P010070045 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Vasilii Karachev P010070046 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Maria Erofeeva P010070047 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Irina Deulina P010070048 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Iana Romanchenko P010070049 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Galina Kosolapova P010070050 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Evgeniia Dashkovskaia P010070051 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Anton Sedov P010070052 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Anna Kostiuk P010070053 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Raquel Salles De Campos P010070054 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Erasmo Assumpcao de Andrada e Silva P010070055 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Ana Carolina Chaves Larronda P010070056 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Vladislav Tchitchkin P010070057 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Aliona Talmazan P010070058 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Valentina Kiselyova P010070059 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Natallia Kruk P010070060 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Alena Gaiduk P010070061 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Pariya Ebrahimi P010070062 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Nancy Morayma Hidalgo Chiriboga P010070063 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Daniel Earls P000070064 Yoga Volunteer
MARGRET ANNE BARNES P000070065 Yoga Volunteer
Satish Kumar Ravuri P000070066 Yoga Volunteer
Yamini Mitul Soni P000070067 Yoga Volunteer
Nicola Anne Stubbs P000070068 Yoga Volunteer
Anne Sheeran P000070069 Yoga Volunteer
Femke Ouendag P000070070 Yoga Volunteer
Rachael Mary Waldron P000070071 Yoga Volunteer
Kumudha Krishnamurthy Narasimhan P000070072 Yoga Volunteer
Angela Bianchin P000070073 Yoga Volunteer
Claire Helena Callery P000070074 Yoga Volunteer
Nargess Ghahremani Azghandi P000070075 Yoga Volunteer
Kathleen Patricia Gillespie P000070076 Yoga Volunteer
Inder Rekha Soni P000070077 Yoga Volunteer
Jill Rowan Alexander P000070078 Yoga Volunteer
Sangya Tyagi P000070079 Yoga Volunteer
Christopher Patrick Page P000070080 Yoga Volunteer
Kishore Kumar Vakkala P000070081 Yoga Volunteer
Catherine Christina OBrien P000070082 Yoga Volunteer
Mrudula Pavani Vutukuru P000070083 Yoga Volunteer
Tila Karadia P000070084 Yoga Volunteer
Ilamathi Ilango P000070085 Yoga Volunteer
Sheila Gannon P000070086 Yoga Volunteer
Varsha Kamlesh Vajir P000070087 Yoga Volunteer
Margaret Christina Gillan P000070088 Yoga Volunteer
Elizabeth Gaye Stanley P000070089 Yoga Volunteer
Shradha Dhage Mahwe P000070090 Yoga Volunteer
Noelle Thompson P000070091 Yoga Volunteer
Alice Balachandran P000070092 Yoga Volunteer
Nina Bhola P000070093 Yoga Volunteer
Rakesh Kumar Verma P000070094 Yoga Volunteer
Phanindranatha Raju Gadhiraju P000070095 Yoga Volunteer
Gill Hall P000070096 Yoga Volunteer
Aravind Komuravelli P000070097 Yoga Volunteer
Sivapriya Kandasamy P000070098 Yoga Volunteer
Sandhya Srinivasan P000070099 Yoga Volunteer
Arun Jayaraman P000070100 Yoga Volunteer
Jitendra Ramchandra Kshirsagar P000070101 Yoga Volunteer
Dr. Kunal Gajaria P000070102 Yoga Volunteer
Sangeeta Velhankar P000070103 Yoga Volunteer
Abida Dastagir Lamture P000070104 Yoga Volunteer
Vinod Jalindar Misal P000070105 Yoga Volunteer
SANTOSH KUMAR BHAGAT P000070106 Yoga Volunteer
UPENDRA UMESH WAINGANKER P000070107 Yoga Volunteer
Anjana Shankar Bhosale P000070108 Yoga Volunteer
Hinaben Rajeshbhai Patel P000070109 Yoga Volunteer
Prathamesh Jayprakash Tawde P000070110 Yoga Volunteer
Girish Ganesh Chilkewar P000070111 Yoga Volunteer
Shweta Ganesh Chilkewar P000070112 Yoga Volunteer
ANIL ARVIND THOMBRE P000070114 Yoga Volunteer
SARIKA RAJESH MORE P000070115 Yoga Volunteer
ASHWINI JITENDRA PARKAR P000070116 Yoga Volunteer
Shreyas Unmesh Malvankar P000070117 Yoga Volunteer
ARCHANA VISHWAS KADAM P000070118 Yoga Volunteer
Sayuri Mangesh Dhole P000070119 Yoga Volunteer
Ratnesh Mahadev Yadav P000070120 Yoga Volunteer
Amritesh Pravin kumar Tiwari P000070122 Yoga Volunteer
POONAM ROHIT PAWAR P000070123 Yoga Volunteer
SUJATA VIKAS KAMBLE P000070124 Yoga Volunteer

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