Total Certificate :403130
Name | Certification No. | Name of certifications |
NAYAN MALLICK | P030065761 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Snehal Gaurav Jadhav | P020065762 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Vaishali Madan Jadhav | P020065763 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
MANISHA VINAYAK SHIRODKER | P020065764 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
MANISHA SACHIN DHANAWADE | P020065765 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
SUTAPA DAS | P020065766 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
RIMI DAS | P020065767 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Savitha B | P010065768 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Subramanyam Shivaswamy | P010065769 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
CHETHAN P | P010065770 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
MANISH GARG | P010065771 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
HARDEEP KUMAR MALHOTRA | P210065772 | Assistant Yoga Therapist |
Aparna Gupta | P210065773 | Assistant Yoga Therapist |
Rajshree Sharma | P210065774 | Assistant Yoga Therapist |
Manish Jain | P210065775 | Assistant Yoga Therapist |
MEETA BHATNAGAR | P210065776 | Assistant Yoga Therapist |
Rachana Vyas | P030065777 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Soma Saha | P030065778 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
JHUMA KUSHARY | P030065779 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
RAJASHREE DAS | P030065780 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
RUPA BHATTACHARYYA | P030065781 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
SONIA CHAUHAN | P030065782 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Sugan Kanwar | P020065783 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Ved prakash Joshi | P020065784 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
MANIK AMIT KOKANE | P020065785 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Patel Malvikaben | P020065786 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Shashwat Saxena | P020065787 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Rajkumar Manojbhai Patel | P020065788 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Divya G V | P010065789 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
vanitha T V | P010065790 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Neetu | P010065791 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Manju Mundra | P010065792 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
REKHA | P010065793 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
NISHA KUMARI | P010065794 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
URMILA KUMARI | P010065795 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
MOUSUMI GUHA NEOGI | P010065796 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Praneta Dipak Kondhare | P010065797 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
LIONEL JEANNIN | P030065798 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Manisha Rajesh Garg | P030065799 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Chandanbala Anil Sanghavi | P010065800 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Rajashree Bharat Mandlik | P010065801 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Ratnamala Keshav Padule | P010065802 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Madhura Neelakanth Kulkarni | P010065803 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Susmita Saha | P010065804 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
ARJUN DNYANDEO BOROLE | P010065805 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
PALAK RAJESH SANGHVI | P010065806 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Sachin Sahebrao Pagar | P010065807 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Anil Rajaram Sail | P010065808 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Jaime Nicole Kersnason | P010065809 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Rashmi Pankaj Ranka | P010065810 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Usha Kp Gupta | P030065811 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
BEENA GUPTA | P030065812 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Swami Yagyadev | P030065813 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Khyati Ankit Chauhan | P030065814 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Kruti Devang Soni | P030065815 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Shruti Das | P010065816 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Sarika Parakh | P010065817 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Piu Roy | P010065818 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
SNIGDHA PAL MONDAL | P010065819 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
PREETI SHARMA | P010065820 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Nikhil Nuwal | P010065821 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Gouravva Pujari | P010065822 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Revanasiddappa B Pattanad | P010065823 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Drakshayani Lokapur | P010065824 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Shridevi Lokapur | P010065825 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Varsha Shaw | P010065826 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Mohit Masiwal | P020065827 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Bibartana Bera | P030065828 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Neeraja Padiyar | P030065829 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
KAMINA SACHINKUMAR PATEL | P040065830 | Yoga Master |
RADHIKA UMESH KHANDALKAR | P220065831 | Yoga Therapist |
Priya Jain | P220065832 | Yoga Therapist |
Harnathbhai Kevdasbhai Patel | P220065833 | Yoga Therapist |
Shwetambari Vikas Chothe | P040065834 | Yoga Master |
Arti Devi | P030065835 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Chandra Prakash Arya | P030065836 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Siralam Suneetha Rani | P030065837 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Hemlata Murarka | P030065838 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Kousalya Ravisankar | P030065839 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Nehal Sameer Purohit | P020065840 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
NEETA JIGNESHKUMAR PATEL | P020065841 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
GAUTHAM PINGALI | P020065842 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Jatinkumar Patel | P020065843 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Bhakti Milind Pednekar | P020065844 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
SATYABHAMA MAHANAND | P020065845 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
Shanthi Nagammal Murugiah | P010065846 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Sharad Shiva Verma | P010065847 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Debalina Chakraborty | P010065848 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Vishnupriya Kulkarni | P010065849 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Anjali Chourasiya | P010065850 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Chetna Dhiren Shah | P010065851 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
nikita Brijesh joshi | P010065852 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Vaishali Pramod Nalawade | P010065853 | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
SNEHAL RAVINDRA KULKARNI | P030065854 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Mithi Dave | P030065855 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
AMRUTA AASHISH WAKHARE | P030065856 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
VANAJA ATRE | P030065857 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Deepti Rajesh Nair | P030065858 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
Kavita Abhijitsingh Parmar | P030065859 | Yoga Teacher & Evaluator |
USHA PRATHIMA POTNURU | P020065860 | Yoga Wellness Instructor |
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