Certified Yoga Professionals

Name Certification No. Name of certifications
Chetnaben Nileshbhai Trivedi P010068329 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Nirmalaben Ashokbhai Dhorajiya P020068330 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Arti Arun Tiwari P010068331 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Manisha Bhaveshbhai Devta P020068332 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Nayanaben Vrajlal Tilavat P010068333 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Devendrabhai A Thacker P020068334 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Sudhaben Sandipkumar Dave P020068335 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Hiral Sandipbhai Dave P020068336 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Niketa Pareshkumar Darji P020068337 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Hetal Dharmeshkumar Darji P020068338 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Geetaben Ashokbhai Thummar P010068339 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Mita Chandubhai Dangariya P020068340 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Amitkumar Laljibhai Thummar P010068341 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Darshna Narayanbhai Dalwadi P020068342 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Jigna Jayeshbhai Dadhania P020068343 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Hemlataben Nitinbhai Thumar P010068344 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Vaishali Mayurbhai Chudasama P020068345 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Riddhi Samir Thanki P010068346 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Surekha Pushpendea Thakre P010068347 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Ravuji Kanaji Thakor P010068348 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kantilal Maganlal Thakor P010068349 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Dipti Dharmendra Thakor P010068350 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Arunaben Bharatsinh Thakor P010068351 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Monika Rasiklal Chudasama P020068352 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Kajal Rahul Chouhan P020068353 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Umaben Krunalbhai Thakor P010068354 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Heena Mulchandbhai Chavda P020068355 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Dakshaben Kiritbhai Chavda P020068356 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Sonal Hareshbhai Chauhan P020068357 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Pradyumansinh Ranjitsinh Chauhan P020068358 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Rita Kamleshbhai Thakkar P010068358 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kena Pareshkumar Thakkar P010068359 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kalpanaben Hareshkumar Chuadhari P020068360 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Jagruti Vinodbhai Thakkar P010068361 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Vinodbhai Kikubhai Chaudhari P020068362 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Shitalben Ashok Chaniyara P020068363 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Hetal Gaurang Thakkar P010068363 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Geeta Anilkumar Thakkar P010068364 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Dimple Sanjay Thakkar P010068365 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Bhavna Ravindra Thakkar P010068366 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Pannaben Prakashbhai Chandrasala P020068366 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Bharti Thakkar P010068367 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Asha Kiritkumar Thakkar P010068368 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Seema Pankajkumar Thacker P010068369 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Rama Ashok Thacker P010068370 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Hemaben Piyushbhai Teraiya P010068371 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Deepaben Hareshbhai Teraiya P010068372 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Urmi Mayank Tandon P010068373 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Shriwangibahen Prafullkumar Tandel P010068374 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Shardaben Nanubhai Tandel P010068375 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Rajeshri Vimal Tandel P010068376 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Bhaktiben Rameshbhai Tandel P010068377 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kareena Gautam Talreja P010068378 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Smitaben Gautambhai Bhuva P020068379 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Virendra Bhore P020068380 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Ketulkumar Kiritbhai Bhoi P020068381 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Neepa Chirag Bhavsar P020068382 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Jeegna Bhavsar P020068383 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Daminiben Jitendrakumar Bhatt P020068384 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Akshay Jayeshbhai Bhatt P020068385 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Gabharubhai Mangabhai Bharavad P020068386 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Shital Kalyanji Bhanushali P020068387 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Bhavnaben Ravjibhai Bhanushali P020068388 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Darshna Chaitanya Talati P010068389 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Vasantiben Jitendrabhai Tailor P010068390 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Sandhya B Bhandari P020068391 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Alpaben Vipulkumar Suthar P010068392 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Sapana Harshal Bhalerao P020068393 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Vinodbhai Maniyabhai Bhabhor P020068394 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Rekhaben Suryavanshi P010068395 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Ashvinbhai Manubhai Basta P020068396 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Chandaniben Maulikkumar Barot P020068397 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Dashrathbhai Motibhai Bariya P020068398 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Charulata Suryavanshi P010068399 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kanchanbahen Kantibhai Baria P020068400 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Sureshvan Kesharvan Atit P020068401 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Sunil Prakash Dusane P010068402 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Shobha Mehulbhai Ashara P020068403 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Suman Lalwani P010068404 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Jatved Arya P020068405 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Rajeshree Atulkumar Sukhadia P010068406 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kiran Kailash Soni P010068407 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Kailashkumar Soni P010068408 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Nitaben Gopalgiri Aparnathi P020068409 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Nipa Nimish Anjaria P020068410 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Amrutsing Shivabhai Mali P020068411 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Amrutlal Prabhuram Patel P020068412 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Dipali Anilkumar Acharya P020068413 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Binal J Jivani P020068414 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Kirtiben Rasikbhai Italiya P020068415 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Dharmishta Vinod Barot P020068416 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Ranjanbahen Dipakkumar Vasani P020068417 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Hiralben Bhaveshkumar Vasani P020068418 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Preeti Vijay Vaishnav P020068419 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Nisha Prakash Uttwani P020068420 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Pankajkumar Devilal Sharma P020068421 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Chhaya Soni P010068422 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Usha Mayurkumar Shakya P020068423 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Bhaviniben Ajaykumar Soni P010068424 Yoga Protocol Instructor
Rekhaben J Dobaria P020068425 Yoga Wellness Instructor

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